About UA Research

The University of Akron is the public research university for Northern Ohio with an annual research budget of more than $50 million and a portfolio of more than 300 issued, pending and provisional patents. UA is home to best-in-class programs including:

  • Largest polymer science and polymer engineering program in the world
  • One of the five fastest growing engineering colleges in the country
  • First-in-kind collaborations like The Timken Engineered Surfaces Laboratory and Conquer Chiari Research Lab, as well as more than 115 active industry sponsored research projects
  • One of the first six winners of the U.S. Economic Development Administration’s i6 Challenge for biomedical technology commercialization with ABIA
  • One of the first three National Science Foundation’s I-Corps Sites programs to train technical faculty and graduate student in Lean Launchpad business principles

University of Akron Research Foundation

The University of Akron Research Foundation logo

UARF was established in 2001 to promote and support university/industry collaboration and to provide effective mechanisms by which UA discoveries and inventions are developed and commercialized. UARF’s unique initiatives include:

  • Seniors Fellows program through which former industry executives mentor faculty, facilitate industry collaboration, advise startup companies, and encourage innovation and regional economic development
  • Akron Innovation Campus, a new model of mixed-use buildings where university startups and independent companies share space adjacent to campus
  • Advice for startup formation, including supporting the creation of more than 50 technology-based startup companies
  • Founder of the $33 million Exxon/YANPET elastomer training program
Goodyear Polymer Center at The University of Akron

Contact us

Phone: 330-972-7840
Fax: 330-972-2368
Email: uarf@mowangyun.com

Goodyear Polymer Center
Suite 312
Akron, Ohio 44325-2103